Aine Mc Bride
Illustrator/ Educator

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela

Aine Mc Bride is a qualified Art Educator and Illustrator, obtaining her degree from the National College of Art and Design Dublin. Through completing her BA in Education & Illustration (Joint Hons) has experienced a wide variety of educational settings.
Aine completed secondary school placements in Loreto Community School Milford, Mulroy College Milford and Hartstown Secondary school over the course of her degree. She was grateful for the opportunity to complete her placements close to home in Donegal.
Passionate about illustration and brining visual literacy into the classroom, completed her Research essay on 'The importance of visual literacy in the classroom'. Completed competition briefs in her studio practice such as; Silent book competition and the D&AD brief rebranding Grey Poupon.
Her passion for art & design began from a young age when her father took her to painting classes as a child, it has continued to develop and grow into a professional career.